Sponsors Evening

Sponsors are vitally important to the ongoing viability of our club.

Visit our Sponsors Page to see a list of our valued and generous sponsors.

The Sponsors Evening will be held on Thursday 24th April.   It is a chance for members to meet our sponsors and find out how we can support them, and in turn they can continue to support our club.  It is a partnership!

Please come along and enjoy an evening of partnership.

The evening starts with some some bowls playing, alongside the sponsors and finishes up with some light refreshments. The bar will be open.

  • 5.45 - 7.15: Bowls
  • 7.15 - 8.45: Intro to our sponsors, food and drinks served

An invitation will be forwarded closer to time to estimate the number of bowlers (so we can allocate teams with our sponsors)  and to plan catering.